Based from a book by Prince of Lampedusa, Il Gattopardo begins with the interuption of a morning prayer in Prince of Salina's house because the servants have found a dead soldier in the garden. At that time, Garibaldi has landed with his troops in Marsala, seeking freedom from the Bourbons. Tancredi, the prince's nephew, whom he loves more than his own children, goes to join the rebels, and comes back with a wound near the eye and a promotion. A war may take place, but the people's life doesn't change. The prince and his family, like always, go to Donnafugata for their holiday. The prince's daughter, Concetta, developes an expectation that Tancredi is in love with her and will ask for her hand; but when Father Pirrone tells the prince about it, the prince says that Concetta is only dreaming, and that Tancredi needs a very rich girl to meet his ambition. That night Don Calogero comes for dinner with her beautiful daughter Angelica, and soon Tancredi, who has left Garibaldi and now joins the royal army, falls in love with her. The prince approves because Don Calogero, although not well learnt, has lots of land and money. The story culminates in the ball in Palermo, where for the first time Tancredi introduces his fiancee to the high society and the prince realises how old he has become.

My favourite moments:
1. The dog won't let go Tancredi's hand. I heard that Visconti rehearsed every

movement, but this must be an accident. I don't believe anyone can train a dog like that!
2. The singing is so boring that the dog yawns.
3. The local band keeps coming in at the wrong moment.
4. The prince slaps his knee so hard he hurts himself.
5. Tancredi and Angelica dance together.
'If we want everything to stay as it is, everything has to change.' ~ Tancredi Falconeri.