The Snow White book is very thin and in the end the evil step-mother had a terrible end, different from the Disney version. Burkert's illustrations are very beautiful. The picture above is from the scene when Snow White runs into the woods after the hunter agreed to let her go.

I found Gustave Dore did many illustrations for Bible stories. I had 2 books which I thought the illustrations were done by Dore, but I can't make sure as the books had been lost - perhaps during the time when my family moved house. This picture are from The Little Red Riding Hood. The details are amazing.
I have been trying to collect books with beautiful illustrations. It's not easy to find such books in Indonesia. When I was young, it was easier, we had more variety of nice books; but of course I didn't have any money then.
These are some of my favourite illustrations:

Hilda Boswell - from 'The Snow Child' by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Garth Williams - from 'On The Banks of Plum Creek' by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Warwick Goble - from Charles Kingsley's The Water Babies
The Pandora Box scene

Quentin Blake. I like Blake's works in Roald Dahl books, but this picture is taken from a Christmas card a friend sent me 2 years ago.

Cicely Mary Barker - from 'Fairyopolis'. This book was a gift from a friend.

Marjolein Bastin. This picture is from an Easter card from a friend I received last April.
I hope this year I can add Arthur Rackham's works to my little collection.
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