From Monday to Thursday after work at 6:00 pm I'm ready in front of the television, tuned to Disney channel, to watch Shaun The Sheep. In fact, I now only watch TV for the news and Shaun The Sheep... while waiting for Wire in The Blood 5 to be aired on Hallmark.
Shaun The Sheep is a proof that to make a good distraction, dialogues are not important. The dialogues are even less than in Mr. Bean series. The sheep only say 'Baa... baa...', while the dog and farmer grunt. Although this is good because children who don't speak English can also enjoy Shaun The Sheep, it doesn't mean that children don't need movies with dialogues. My 2 year old niece learnt so many vocabs from Dora The Explorer. I remember when her mother showed her a pair of socks and asked where they came from, my niece said, "From you, Mommy." "And what do you say?" Most children would only say, "Thank you.", but she said: "Thank you, Mommy, for giving me a pair of socks." However if she watched Dora in a language she didn't understand, she would surely walk out the room.
Since characters in Shaun The Sheep don't speak human language, I only know their names from the official website. Among all the sheep, only 3 have names: Shaun, Shirley the fat, and little Timmy. The dog is called Bitzer. Every episode only runs for about 6 minutes and on Disney every day 3 episodes are shown in 30 minutes, including commercials.

The characters' shape somehow seem simple, but when I tried to make a sheep with cotton and jumping clay, the result was horrible. However I won't give up. What else can I do when the doll is only available in the UK?
Sometimes absent-mindedly I hum the theme song:
He’s Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
He even mucks about with those who cannot bleat
Keep it in mind he’s one of a kind
Life’s a treat with Shaun the Sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
He’s Shaun the sheep
He doesn’t miss a trick or ever lose a beat
Perhaps one day you’ll find a way
To come and meet with Shaun the sheep
Oh, come and bleat with Shaun the Sheep

i'm a big fan of shaun the sheep too..
i'm still searching for shaun's theme song, but haven't got one :(..
coba liat pocoyo deh..film nya jg lucu
salam kenal..
Hi, Inge. I'm Ratih. I don't agree, I think your sheeps look great. Cute! BTW, where did you get the get jumping clay materials?
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