Dino Barran (Delon), a doctor, and Franz Propp (Bronson), a mercenary, both just returned from Algiers and landed in Marseille, where Barran meets Isabelle who is looking for her friend Mozart. Barran agrees to help Isabelle to return some valuable bonds into a safe which is located in a vault by breaking into it. Propp finds out about Barran's plan, but he wants the money in the safe. Things don't go well and they both are trapped in the vault and have to work together to get out, only to find that they have been framed.

The quality of the movie is very good, the images are very clear. [I watch the region 2 DVD from UK.] There are funny moments: the chinese abacus, guards taking away the food and drinks, ... I even laugh when they start to burn the bonds for lights. Only two things I don't like: when Waterloo tries to stop Barran to go and get Isabelle's card for she seems so hysterical, and the second before the film ends, when Delon imitates Bronson's 'Yeah!'.
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