Tuesday, August 19, 2008

After The Storm

My aunt bought this book for me, said that there had been a big discount in Kinokuniya. The story was simple and I only needed 2 days to finish this.

Set in Dover Mountain, North Georgia. Jared, an entrepreneur who just lost his girlfriend and his job, arrives in the middle of a storm helps Alisha to deliver her baby. He becomes their protector since. There is a mystery surrounds Alisha, but the people in the mountain protect her and her secret, except one, who wants to gain benefit from her dark past. As a new stranger, Jared quickly becomes the suspect, especially when the constable is one of the men who want Alisha and sees Jared as a worthy rival.

The book was a light reading and for me, Alisha worried too much, for she wasn't as guilty as she thought. Her sin wasn't her fault and the law had acquitted her, so why couldn't she forgive herself? Published by Steeple Hill, this is a Christian book, so the characters are religious.

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