I have collected the 12 series and perhaps the bundles are only compilations. I am not sure because I don't have the 1st and 2nd series. Also, there are stories from the 12 series which are not included in the bundles. Perhaps there will be the 3rd bundle? Bundle 2 comes up with a binder and there is a space for 1 more bundle there.
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There's still a place for 1 more bundle in the binder |
Natal di Gunung Beruang (Chrismas on Bear Mountain)
Rahasia Kastil Tua (The Old Castle's Secret)
Voodoo Hoodoo
Jejak Unicorn (Trail of the Unicorn)
Mengangkat Kapal Karam (The Sunken Yacth)
Lomba ke Laut Selatan (Race to the South Seas)
Menyusut Ke Lubang Semut (Billions in the Hole) - seri 7
Hilang di Dasar Laut (Lost Beneath The Sea)
Sejuta Wajah Mimi Hitam (The Many Faces of Magica de Spell)
Pulau di Angkasa (Island in the Sky) - seri 3
Di Istana Ratu Putri Duyung (Hall of the Mermaid Queen) - seri 3
Hanya Pria Tua yang Miskin (Only A Poor Old Man) - seri 4
Kembali ke Klondike (Back to the Klondike)
Di Sungai Emas (The Golden River) - seri 4
Di Dunia Bawah Tanah (Land Beneath the Ground!) - seri 5
Gudang Besar di Bukit Killmotor (The Big Bin on Killmotor Hill) - seri 5
Tujuh Kota Cibola (The Seven Cities of Cibola)
Kisah Batu Bertuah yang Hebat (The Fabulous Philisopher's Stone) - seri 6
Mahkota Genghis Khan yang Hilang (The Lost Crown of Genghis Khan!) - seri 6
Negosiasi Dingin (A Cold Bargain)
Berburu Mutiara (Deep Down Doings)
Mencari Mahkota Suku Maya (Crown of the Mayas) - seri 6
Membuat Sumur Uang (The Money Well) - seri 7
Mesin Paul Bunyan (The Paul Bunyan Machine) - seri 7
Anjing Jadi-jadian Whiskervilles (Hound of the Whiskervilles) - seri 10
Pencari Status (The Status Seeker)
Robot Pencuri Raksasa (The Giant Robot Robbers) - seri 8
Di Tralla La (Tralla La) - seri 9
Kota Beratap Emas (City of Golden Roofs) - seri 9
Misteri Mitos (Mythic Mystery) - seri 9
Si Juara Uang (The Money Champ) - seri 10
Serangan Safari (So Far and No Safari) - seri 10
Harta Karun Kuno (Oddball Odyssey)
Demi Keping Tua (For Old Dime's Sake) - seri 11
Pulau Angsa Emas (Isle of Golden Geese) - seri 11
Valentine Sepuluh Sen (Ten-Cent Valentine) - seri 11
Kedok Kalkun (Turkey with All the Schemings) - seri 12
Pencarian Kapal Cuspidoria (Search for the Cuspidoria) - seri 12
Bulan Dua Puluh Empat Karat (The Twenty-four Carat Moon) - seri 3
Kisah Keuangan (A Financial Fable) - seri 5
Gudang Uang Bundar (The Round Money Bin) - seri 5
Di Gua Ali Baba (Cave of Ali Baba) - seri 8
Misteri Rel Kota Hantu (Mystery of the Ghost Town Railroad) - seri 8
Untung-untungan di Musim Salju (Wintertime Wager) - seri 10
Gagak Gila (Raven Mad) - seri 11
Liburan di Kota Bebek (Holiday in Duckburg) - seri 12
Boros Tapi Hemat (The Thrifty Spendthrift) - seri 12
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A shot from Mesin Paul Bunyan. I don't like the edges decor. Looks dirty. |
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Previous series. I own 3 to 12 (10 out of 12). |
170rb itu murah lho buat komik setebal dan dengan kualitas sebagus itu, worth it lah.... Malah yang di Indonesia ini lebih murah daripada harga jual di negara aslinya mungkin bisa sampai 2-3x lipatnya.
Iya, sih. Tapi beda mutu kertas juga dan yg di amrik biasanya bundel gitu kan hardcover...
Wah kalau maksain pakai hardcover mana kebeli sama orang Indonesia, lha wong yang kayak gitu aja udah dibilang mahal...
Dijual kah Kak?
Nggak lah... buat koleksi sendiri
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