Monday, March 17, 2014

Shadow Prey - John Sandford

Lieutenant Lucas Davenport is the only member of Minneapolis Police Department's Office of Special Intelligence. He usually works alone, but now he works with Lieutenant Lily Rotheburg from New York, parallel with Homicide Department, to stop an Indian group from serial murders. By each murder, the group target more important person and Lucas Davenport believes that the last target is the FBI Director.

In my opinion, Shadow Prey was not as exciting as Rules of Prey. In Rules of Prey, the bad guy was a serial rapist and murderer; while in Shadow Prey, the Indians targeted those who had harmed their community. A member of the group, anyway, also murder Indians whom he thought had betrayed their cause.

Lucas Davenport now had a baby daughter from his partner Jennifer, but that didn't stop him from having an affair with Lily. Near the end, Shadow Love, the bad guy in this book, stormed into Lucas's house and endangered the lives of Jennifer and their baby; and their relationship.

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