Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Hidden Assassins

Compared to The Blind Man of Seville, I like the previous book better. I like reading about chain murders, how the killer choose the victims, and how the police solve the case. Like in the Blind Man of Seville, Inspector Javier Falcón is still our hero - but this time he has been cured from his depression.

In The Hidden Assassins, although it starts with a murder case, the plot soon leads to a terrorist bomb. Although we learns in the end that the bomb has a connection with the murder, Robert Wilson writes about terrorism in a very long explanation, including the misunderstanding and prejudice which have grown into the people. If we push it aside, the rest of the novel is still interesting. The problem between judge Esteban Calderón and his wife which leads to his doom, for example.

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